Monday, October 26, 2009

Paperless Post

On the one hand, I am nostalgic about the days when we wrote letters to one another, put a stamp on the envelope and mailed it off. The art of handwriting letters and fine penmanship seems to be lost. On the other hand, I am a girl of technology and I love the creative things that can be done with the computer.

I think Paperless Post does a wonderful job of combining the two.  They bring custom, personalized and thoughtful looking cardstock invitations to the online world (and without the advertising you find with other e-invitation sites!) This is definitely earth-friendly and it is extremely inexpensive...150 e-mail invitations will set you back a mere $10. If you have planned an event lately, you know what that would cost in the "paper" world. 

You can quickly customize the design the invitation, deliver customized envelopes to your guests, and monitor/track rsvp's. And...when you sign up for an account, they get you started with 25 stamps...reason enough to have a small dinner party!

What a genius idea!

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